twitter: _shona

Thursday 25 September 2014

Home Is Where The Heart Is, Really

I have the travel bug. I always have and I always will. And because of this, it's sometimes it's easy to forget just how great Home is.

I spend far too much time dreaming about being else where and planning my trips away, and not enough time appreciating my own city.

So in aid of this, I thought I would write up a wee blog post on reasons why I love my home - Glasgow. The snaps below are just a few I've taken on my phone over the past year :)

1. Number 1 has to be the people, of course! Glasgow is so bright with an atmosphere that I've found very difficult to come across elsewhere in the world. The Glaswegian sense of humour and their joy for life makes this city what it is. For example, above is the Duke of Wellington statue which has rarely been seen without a traffic cone on it's head since 1980. Every night the police take it down, only for a new one to be placed on top by a drunken Glaswegian by the morning. Occasionally there's one on the horse's head too! The day I took this photo was Glasgow's hottest day of the year - so naturally someone thought to dress him in a Hawaiian shirt.
It's because of little things like this that Glasgow will always be home to me.

2. The architecture and history. When I lived in Toronto, I found myself missing something that I had barely taken notice of before - the incredible old buildings. Skyscrapers just don't cut it when you compare them to the stonework of 19th century Victorian Architecture. The buildings are magnificent, and add even more character to an already charismatic city. Glasgow is rich with history, and I love walking around imagining what happened in each building, tower and monument.

3. You're never far away from a view. Whenever you feel as if the city is getting a little too much, there are always beautiful parks, lochs and forests to disappear to. The photos above are from Loch Lomond (45 minute drive from my house) and Queen's Park overlooking the city, which is about a 5 minute walk from my house. I'll never tire of a good green view! (Which is maybe why I chose to travel New Zealand...?)

Where do you live, and what's your favourite things about your home? :)

xo Shona


  1. Omg your city is so gorgeous. I wish I loved there! Your from scotland, omg so amazing! I want to visit the UK so badly!

    Also, why does your blog post end in .ca (isnt that the canadian URL?).

    Stop by my blog when you have time! Also check out my amazing giveaway!

    Love from Canada,
    Marie from Elle Charie
    ♥♥ Perfect Skin Giveaway♥♥

  2. Oh my, this is so so pretty, and such a great post idea :) I love the nature and all the photos :)
    May I ask what camera you use?
    I really really like your blog, I wish you good luck with it! I am your newest follower :))

    It would mean so much to me if you visited my blog, if you have some time to spare <3

    Berry The Blue

    1. Thank you my love! These photos are actually all taken on my Samsung Galaxy believe it or not! I just bought a Canon Coolpix S9600 though so will be trying that out soon! :)

      I'm already following you on blogloving, I absolutely love your blog! <3

      thanks for your kind words :) xxx

  3. I live in a small European country called Slovenia and I like that it's small and you have everything you need just a few miles away. Love your post and I hope someday I'll visit Glasgow.


  4. Where you live is so beautiful!
